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Arseny Shiryaev
Arseny Shiryaev

Captain Corelli's Mandolin(2001)

In 1941, Italian and German soldiers are posted to Cephalonia, where they are ostracized by the locals. Pelagia is determined to hate them, especially when a jovial young captain by the name of Antonio Corelli is domiciled with her. Mandras comes home from the war, injured and filthy, and as Pelagia nurses him she realizes she no longer loves him. Mandras leaves for the Greek mainland, where he joins the communist partisan organisation ELAS. ELAS is cruel towards the civilian population and more frequently attacks other partisan groups (for being ideologically different) than the Axis' occupying forces.

Captain Corelli's Mandolin(2001)

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Bernières has denied that the character of Corelli is based on Amos Pampaloni who was then an Italian artillery captain in Cephalonia, despite the many similarities in their stories. Pampaloni survived execution, joined the Greek People's Liberation Army, the Partisans in the Greek civil war, and fought with them in Epirus for fourteen months. Pampaloni was interviewed by The Guardian newspaper in 2000[4] and expressed the view that the novel misrepresented the Greek partisan movement.

The delicate tremolo of Captain Corelli's Mandolin lulls you so completely that it when it comes time for the movie to wrench your heart, you can't possibly respond to it in that way. Set on the postcard-perfect Greek island of Cephalonia during its Italian occupation during World War II, the film succeeds more as an enticement for a vacation on the Ionian Sea than anything else -- those crystalline waters and majestic mountains are so alluring that they're downright distracting. Even as the sun-soaked surroundings turn blood-soaked when the Germans do violence to this idyllic place, your attention remains diverted by the island's incredible beauty. The scenery might have stayed in the background if the film's romantic angle -- the wartime affair between a sensitive Italian soldier and the headstrong daughter of a Greek doctor -- had a hint of those passionate, doomed entanglements in which lovers are irrevocably locked in each other's hearts, even when separated by hundreds or thousands of miles. It is difficult, however, to imagine that this Captain Corelli would endlessly search the brilliant Hellenic beaches for his lost Lara after the war's end. In fact, it is difficult to imagine that these two would ever go out on a second date. Neither a badly miscast Cage nor an oddly dispassionate Cruz remotely suggest the ardor of love's passion, except for a fleeting scene in which she boldly dances with another serviceman to attract the captain's attention, after repeatedly giving him the cold shoulder. Other than that, these two just don't click. Perhaps blowing up things for so long has robbed Cage of the ability to pull off this guise as leading man. And while he may be Italian-American in ethnic origin, he ain't no Italian -- Cage looks like an American, acts like an American, and speaks like an American, even in his fleeting attempts to use an accent. Cruz has gotten quite a build-up in the States recently, particularly with her supposed romance with freshly divorced Tom Cruise, but there's not much in Captain Corelli's Mandolin to justify the hype. Her soulful eyes and ripe mouth overwhelm a visage seemingly too small for her features, leaving her face an enigma for the most part, unless she makes an effort to use those features in some pronounced way. About the only thing that succeeds in Captain Corelli's Mandolin (other than tempting you to sell everything you own and live on a Greek island paradise) is the way it relates war's absurd way of creating and destroying human associations in the name of country. The Italians are the uninvited guests on Cephalonia, and yet they are a reluctant enemy who pose little, if any, danger to their Greek hosts. One minute, the Germans are the allies of the Italians; the next minute, they are massacring them. In those moments in which it ponders this ludicrous nature of man, Captain Corelli's Mandolin finds something to contemplate other than the vistas in its milieu.

The plot of this romantic drama takes place in 1942. As part of the joint Italian-German occupation, a squadron of Italian soldiers arrives in Kefalonia to strengthen the local presence of the few Nazi forces remaining on the island. The carefree Mediterranean temperament of the soldiers will soon alleviate the initial discomfort of the villagers, while a passionate romance will be gradually woven between the music loving Italian captain (Nicolas Cage) and the fiancée daughter of the local doctor (Penelope Cruz). Until, inevitably, the clouds of war will reach the shores of the island, threatening the peace of both the inhabitants and the unsuspecting conquerors. 041b061a72


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